Entertaining, laughable, ... and yet, missing something.
The game play itself works out nicely. You are able to move Guybrush around with a simple click hold drag movement; brought into the series in the first chapter.
If you didn't check out the first chapter, go back and do that. This chapter continues to display the great graphics and 3d animation that was severely needed in the fourth game, Escape from Monkey Island.
Everything around you pops out nicely. It doesn't blind you too much with strong contrasts of characters and objects with the background.
The sounds and voices are great too. At times I did tweak the volumes of the sounds and music. But that's just my personal preference. They still did the game justice.
One odd note is that with the use of the F4 key you can dampen the background and highlight any intractable objects. I say odd, because this is only available in one section of the game. It makes that one area easy to navigate, almost too easy. But it could have been useful in other areas.
The story itself was fun, and interesting. However the story and humor seemed to be a little lacking in this edition. It seemed as if more work went into the first chapter than this chapter. The puzzles were solved within one day of sitting on the couch. It was entertaining. But it definitely felt like it was missing something. It leaves the player with a sense of dismay; slowly placing the mouse (or the controller in my instance) down, and walking away from the screen thinking of things that could have been.
* This last bit is a spoiler *
A weak-spirited, fluffy, dim-witted Le Chuck just doesn't sit right with me. At times the quips did pull a slight smile from the corner of my mouth. But most of the time, his actions, and words left a bad taste instead. I personally do not see this version of Le Chuck sitting well with my view of the series. Maybe that's just me. But he does not fit well with what should be an acceptable form of catharsis. In the end you even question yourself as to why your wife would want to hang around this fool. It just turns your stomach. But then again, if that's what the writers are going for, then they achieved it.
All and all it's still a great game, it satisfies our wants and needs to carry forth the tradition of the story, and leaves us wanting more. … But next time, please, do, give us more.