GBA version a complete drag....well almost.
I mean lets face it, Tales of Phantasia is Tales of Phantasia, its still one of the best games ever made, and this port isnt to bad, but the translation is just gawd awful. I never thought I would see the day when a hacked fan translation outdoes an official one. How could the game company make a stupid mistake such as naming Cless, Cress? (If it was intentional I dont know) not to mention that it is censored to hell in a few spots (that I can understand, and if you had played the original Im sure you would too) Im sorry this is more of a rant then a review, but I cant take it, to see one of my favorite games being butchered like this. So if you are a new player this game would be good to you, minus the translation mistakes and a few other screwups. This still is the solid Tales of Phantasia everyone has fallen in love with. And you most likely would too. But if you are a hardcore Tales of... fan and if you are, you probably know about everything that im talking about, and have already got yourself a shinny still in shrink wrap copy of either the psx or snes version. I would recommend importing the Japanese version (if you know *** AND can find it, try ebay) All and all a good solid representation of Phantasia, but a few too many simple screw ups that could of been fixed with an extra week of development.