A Game Which Is Going To Give A Memorable Experience To Almost Everyone Who Will Be Playing It!
this is a great game and in my opinion its certainly better then tales of destiny and tales of destiny 2(which had the graphics but was boring).
Story = a rather beautiful and new experience in the story in my opinion, yes its the same evil has awaken thing but the ways its directed is rather refreshing. the game starts decently well, the way the story is paced is really the strong point of it. there are four characters with decent character development and fifth one joins in later in the game, all are decent in combat. the hero and his friends are the best in my opinion and its easy to feel more for them as they are sharing the same emotions in the game as both of their family members were killed. the story has a lot of past and future theme to it, sort of like dragon quest 6,7 theme. but no where near as boring as those games had. this is the kind of game which would one thing that the story is indeed one of the most important feature for any game. since i do not like to spoil story when reviewing a game, inshort the story consists of goind back of past then coming back to current and finally going to the future.
Graphics = really superb although some may say that the gba version has inferior graphics compared to snes or playstation but i do not find that the truth as the graphics are as great as they were in snes. the way the battle backgrounds as well as those towns and dungeons are shown is great. the character portraits as well as the weapon details are magnificient. there are some places however which are narrow and confusing. but thats probably only a few so there is no major problem. there are some areas where the snowfall is done well as well as those snow effects. inshort the graphics will satisfy you very well as there is hardly anything to find fault at.
Sound = some decent characters grunts and voices while in-battle really sets the mood well. effects of hitting and getting hurt are good. the music is good at almost all the places as there are hardly any places where the music is average, the battle theme is good and so are the town themes. the overworld map music is nice and so is the background sound in most parts of the game. inshort this game will give you some memorable tunes which you will humming for sometime.
Gameplay = somesay its sort of street fighter, however i say its not like that, its unique rather. infact thanks to the game mechanics, the battle system is never feeled boring or repetitive unless in some areas where the same enemies which are also hard to kill makes the experience bad. but there is large amount of a successful rate that one can run away from battles. its a sort of side scrolling action, the areas if decently long. its really fun to play with this type of gameplay and there are tons of tricks/combos to perform. one can control only the main character as the others can fight by themselves, however one can set settings for them which includes the options to whether to use the magic or defend or heal etc. and is all has extreme importance. some skills will take quite a time to learn and thats the reason that the tedious encounter rate is rather a welcome thing. there are various types of attack which includes attacking a flying enemy by thrusting in air and slashing attack for the ground enemies. there is a lot of depth to the battle-system and its really enjoyable and one has to experience it. the game is long enough to satisfy everyone in my opinion. there is also a title/rank system which the character gets at times by itself and there are plenty of side-quests which too can give you ranks and they are really fun to do. inshort the refreshing battle-system and addictive game mechanics all set the tone to the max and this game is a must have for those whom have not played the snes and playstation version.
Overall this game gives complete satisfaction in terms of graphics, story, gameplay and sound. as i said before its gonna be a memorable experience for anyone who would try and play it. this is the first game but its really the best in the series in my opinion. now do note i do not own a ps2 so i cannot have the experience on other tales in the series.