Underated! This is good a port as any, although a little overdue, and clearly invented a fun new type of rpg.
So it starts your village is destroyed and you and your best chum Chester set out for revenge. You'll meat up with friends from the past and future as your characters level up and such. Like most RPG's the battles get a little tiresome by 3 quarters trough the game, and you'll find youself using holy bottles constantly to keep awy monsters, usually not because their hard but because if you have fight another Beast Master of Lesser Boar your gonna start contemplating suicide. Their are plenty of weapons to find throughout the game and plenty of sidequests to keep you entertained, like the spells and summons scatterd everywhere.
The only inclusion to this game, that wasn't done in the ps remake to my knowledge, is the "Lets Go Arche" minigame at the end. Suzu was not in the original but was added in the ps version, which I think was pointless because suzu... REALLY SUCKS! Anywho, the game has good replayability and satisfying gameplay through most of the game, although i started using Suzu so I could stop having to see those annoying gameplay disrupting spells and summons. Graphics are, well, not beutiful compared to the Castlevania GBA games, but sufficient to give you enough satisfaction. In fact, I didn't even really notice them in some of the later battles where you might actually have to focus on what your doing. Pluto, for example. The voice clips are a good inclusion, although their is only one for each character. Cress saying "I did it!" after every battle is infuriating, and makes you wish you could play as an invincible monster with one hit kill attacks and just completely smite him and then you'd be like "HA! What you done now, loser! HA!" and then you'd probably kick his corpse while Arche repeatedly cast Indignation on you.
The music is decent. Meh. No catchy tunes and in a lot of cases it doesn't fit the mood, but hey. It was made in the 90's. The only really good thing to come from the ninetys was Chuck Norris. I have one request of you, oh valiant reader. At least give this game a test drive. Like, borrow from a friend or something. If you want a new kind of RPG buy it and if your a Tales fan buy it. If your a casual RPG fan or looking for something great, it is better not to buy it. Well, I'm goin to eat some feta cheese. Peace.