ehhh :( i looked forward to this?!?!?

User Rating: 6 | Tales of Symphonia: Ratatosk no Kishi WII
Tales of Symphonia Radiant dawn is one of the biggest gaming disappointments in the Wiis and the Tales series. For a while, I thought that this was the game that would finally pry me away from my Xbox. Alas, i was dead wrong. The are a lot of glaring problems with this game. First off, where the hell is the world map. this little menu to travel to the next city is garbage. In my opinion, not including a world map in this game is just flat out lazy. Because every other Tales game has a vast world map. Also, what is up with this capturing other monsters for your party. This feature is ridiculous and unwanted. It just seemed like they creators wanted add something new, which would be nice, but this feature fell way short of making the game more appealing. And why did this game have to be placed in the same cities as the first, but with a few characters. This seems more like Tales of Symphonia 1.5. This game is a prime example of how the Wii can ruin a perfectly good series. (even though this one isn't totally its fault)