Generic story and sometimes too much roaming but excellent battle system & sound vibrant graphics makes this a solid RPG

User Rating: 9 | Tales of Symphonia GC
Battle system: Keeps the battles from being repetitive. Very nicely done and easy to learn. More RPGs should be this fast-paced. Graphics: The cell-shaded look works really well with the overall vibrant, cartoony look of this game. The effects from spells, etc... looks awesome, especially the dual techniques. Sound: The various quotes they say during battles keeps the tempo fresh and interesting. Voice-acting is above average for a video game, though the music is often forgettable. Story: Though not that bad, it came out as being too generic. Though if you enjoy your usual run-of-the-mill-save-the-world-while-saving-your-girlfriend type of game this shouldn't be a problem as while the story is a little bland, it does a good job of telling it. Overall this is a very solid RPG. Replay value is added since you have the option of carrying over attributes, weapons, etc.. to a new game after you've beaten it. If you are interested at all in RPGs and have a Gamecube, you should not skip out on this game.