the best Tales game.

User Rating: 10 | Tales of Symphonia GC
Tales of symphonia is my favorite all time japanese RPG and favorite of the "Tales of" series. Pros:
-Brought me into a fun battle system
-Characters where diverse and each one had a unique personality
-the story, plot twists, every detail makes this game amazing.
-has a nice ending
-The emotional connection between each character was pretty strong.
-Nice RPG mechanics

There isn't any.

This game is a game worth checking out if you are into either or both japanese rpg's and the tales of series. It has a strong fan base following and the story twists will keep you interested til you see the credits. This is a late review since I haven't played it in years but I still would like to offer my recommendation for the game. You will have no regrets, so check it out.