Symphonia Shatters what expect from an RPG.
Story: 10/10
This game shattered my previous expectations of what was possible with a story. I was literally sitting on the edge of my seat at nearly every cut-scene. The plot is amazing and the twists even more so. The Events in this game left me speechless (In a good way) and Appalled. Even the subplots can keep one interested! Character's backgrounds are extremely involving and do a good job of fleshing out the wonderful characters’ personalities. I couldn't have asked for better.
The Game Takes place in Sylvarant, a world not too unlike our own (Well, except that it has insane monsters, Elves...etc). Sylvarant is declining in Mana reserve. Crops are dying and there is nearly no hope of Survival, save for one exception: The Chosen. The Chosen is a Messiah and Servant of Martel, The Goddess of Sylvarant, who has the power to reverse the terrible effects on Sylvarant by acting out the world regeneration, a journey where Martel has the Chosen restoring the world by releasing seals in various parts of Sylvarant. The Current Chosen is a Kind, Cute and Gentle Young Woman named Colette Brunel, Who is accompanied by Her friend (And Main Character) Lloyd Irving, a Dim-witted but lovable swordsman who uses Dual blades. Also accompanying her is Genis Sage, a young, Sarcastic Sorcerer who is a Genius Elf. Or is he...? There are other fantastic characters with great personalities but you'll have to discover them yourselves!
Graphics: 10/10
Though graphics don't matter in video games, you have to know what you're looking at. The cel-shaded graphics in this game are nearly second to none.
Cute anime style Chibi character models abound. The detail in clothing is also very well appreciated.
The reason this Game Got a 10 in Graphics, despite some momentary clunkiness, is because this series used to be 2-D and the 3-D here is Impressive for an ex 2-D series. And some of the Models are extremely cute.
Sound: 10/10 Takeshi Arai and Shinji Tamura have delivered Excellent Music that goes very well with the Game. All the Music fits absolutely perfectly and not one bit of music is wasted. The Music ranges from light-hearted and happy to Epic and Dramatic to Sorrowful. Brilliant. The Sound design is great as well and voice-acting, unlike many other American Dubbed RPG's, is Stellar. The entire cast is insanely good but Scott Menville steals the show with his Dramatic Acting and sometimes hilarious lines. The Boss Battle Tracks are the best in my humble opinion, as they are very involving and fitting for the epic battles.
The Area music is entertaining as Well and most of the time very calming...
I often stop and listen to boss battle tracks while playing as well... I do the same for Area music. It's much too Excellent. DX
Playability and Game play: 10/10
The Controls continue to be excellent in the Tales of Series, making to feel like a God no matter the character you use. The Battles in the Game are excellent and strategy filled, and the game play mechanics are extremely entertaining. You can Block as well. Being able to off multi-tech Combos is a gift from God.
The game also uses a modernized version of the LMBS (Linear Motion Battles System). For Symphonia it is the Multi-Line LMBS. In this System, You only move Back and forth but you can change direction by battling and you can also Change by targeting Different enemies. However, the Thought of standing down against a huge enemy Boss (This game has 50! =D) bravely is rather tasteful to the mind. Side quests abound as well with Optional bosses, Costumes, Titles Weapons and Items. There's also a special surprise in the Coliseum later in the game for Tales Veterans...
The ability to customize one's one menus and speech boxes is a rather nice little touch. Cut scenes are made so that one Presses A to advance them, although there are very rare exceptions, like the ending.
This Game has extreme replay-ability, Awesome Characters(Plus funny dialogue and scenes), Great Battles, an Unforgettable Score and a plot so epic That you may need to clean yourself more than once after the game let's up. I will never forget this game for as long as I live and I am proud to own it.
I hope you will be too!