Tales of Symphonia ia a savior for everyone who has a GC and likes RPG games. It`s a truly brilliant game!!

User Rating: 9.5 | Tales of Symphonia GC
When I first played it I kinda had a hard time with it cause i didn`t knew very well how it worker and all but after playing for about a half hour or so i got in to it. The beginning makes it easy cause there isn`t much fighting or difficult monsters so I got the hang of it really quickly which is good for starters. Like I said the game is brilliantly made. It has a unique character design which is awesome to see especially the specifics you probably never see in the previous games.
The story itself resolves aroud Lloyd who is the main protagonist. He joins Colette on her jourey for world regeneration but ends up fighting the angels who once thaught of this ritual. The most important thing in the story is the racism against half elves which makes it really interesting cause eventually you will discover that that is the cause of everthing Cruxis does.
The fighting is excellent as well because I think this LMBS (Linear Battle Motion System)3D system is a lot better than the original 2D system which was mostly used in the previous games like. The only thing is that you still can`t move freely cause you will stay in one line with your enemy you`re currently focused on.
But all but all it`s the best RPG that ever came out on the GC and it`s a must have so.......what are you waiting for.