One of the greatest RPGs ever created.
Being a JRPG, the plot of this game is it's main focus, and it delivers quite well. However, I realize that this kind of story doesn't appeal to everyone. If you can deal with elves, monsters, and killer angels in the stereotypical sense, you'll find this to be a fantastic adventure. But this game's lengthy tale won't move everybody.
The game-play is good. Instead of a turn-based battle system, this game's fights are done in real time while utilizing different moves and techniques. Four out of eight(nine) characters can be in your battle party at once. Each of the characters have very different abilities whether it be the fast, combo-racking, close-range style of Lloyd, Genis' long range spell casting, or Raine's healing and support arts. You can craft your party with the characters you want while knowing that the AI has it covered.
The game isn't flawless though. There are a few things that take away from the experience. The lack of character actions outside of battle can take away from the emotional experience quite a bit. You may also find some characters to be annoying (*cough*Colette*cough*).
Story: 5/5
Like I said, it might not apply to you.
Game-play: 4/5
The battle system is fun, but not amazing.
Graphics: 3/5
The art style and techniques look great, but the lack of character actions outside of battle gets in the way of its full potential.
Music: 5/5
The game has some great tunes, especially during boss fights.
Voice acting: 5/5
Whether it be Lloyd spewing the D-word, or Collete drenching your mind in annoyance and apologies, they nailed it.