Awesome gae
this game is prettyhard if you go on the sub-missions
abyssion and the devil arms
and the
hell knight and the
underworld (i think it was called something like that)
sadly the end just chops off leaving the player wondering what happened
also what inda ruined the game was thatif you go on the sub-missions i listed and you complete them you will get more play time but for example if u go on abyssion and the devil arms
and after beating abyssion and equipping the devil arms to ur characters the weapons get strronger and stronger by the second soooooo.....that makes the last boss easier to beat
and abyssion and the hell knight have twice as much hp as the final boss
perfect game with nice graphics (which could have been made a tiny bit smoother) sadly though that at the end of the game if u did the sub missions i listed the last boss will proove to be no challenge what so evr.
overall 9.8