A great RPG and Cube title. In fact, one of the few reasons to buy the system...
Gameplay: If you've ever played a normal RPG, that won't help. Nope, this isn't your run of the mill RPG gameplay. In fact, it plays out like a fighter in which you're attacking in a 2D style manor. However, there are special moves and you can only enter combat with 3 characters. This allows for tons of tactics and strategies for players to use, plus, it keeps you always waiting for another battle that could be either tough or easy. Now, this comes with its own positive and negative affects. Indeed, the combat is fast paced and fun, but at times it can seem repetitive (definitely while going through out the world) but other times it can be amazingly fun. Plus, you can play with others during combat and that's always a blast and allows for the upper hand. Also, you can control your friendly AI very well with tons of special commands and tactics for them to use. With many character classes, armor, items, and weapons, you won't find yourself hitting the bottom of the pit in replay value or depth. Now, the story is a little too Japanese-type for me, but overall it was pretty good with twists occurring enough of the time to keep it pretty interesting. The main quest is very fun, with its own puzzles, bosses, enemies, items, and new members to your party, it doesn't reach many low points. Indeed, the gameplay is very well done, but with some repetition and some low points in the story, it isn't quite as perfect or as deep as others. 9/10
Graphics: Yes, the graphics are very stylized and cel-shaded. However, I didn't like it since the box art looks amazing while the world looks very cartoony and child friendly. All of the people are sprite-like and it just doesn't seem as though it fits the story and gameplay that coincides with the game. However, the graphics engine (aside from characters/NPCs) looks good with the enemies and the environments. Overall, I like the stylized look, but the NPCs seem a little out of place. 8/10
Sound: The music is pretty good. There are some tracks that I really liked. However, some of the sound effects aren't as good and some of the voice actors can try to act a little too serious at times, giving you this sort of cheap anime feel every once in a while. I really like what they did with the music on the other hand. And only a third of the sound effects aren't up to speed as the rest. The sound is good, but there's room for improvement. 8/10
Value: With over 60 hours of main quest gameplay and easily over 80 hours of extra stuff such as side quests, you won't be putting down this game any time soon. With tons of party members to customize with armor and weapons that you can create and potions that you can also create yourself you'll find endless fun with this title. Also, you'll always be on the lookout for enemies to add into your log as a little cool thing. Seriously, if you wanted a deep RPG experience for the cube, this is it. 10/10
Overall, I have found this game to be somewhat of a diamond in the rough. With very few RPGs for the system (half of which are only mediocre) this is a must for RPG fans and action adventure fans alike. Sure, the whole anime style can seem a little out of place for the tone of the game. And the sound effects don't seem so great every once in a while, but this title is really great with tons and tons of gameplay and experiences that you won't forget.