Best RPG on the Gamecube.

User Rating: 9.7 | Tales of Symphonia GC
Tales of Symphonia is the reason why Namco keeps putting out the Tales series since this game and it is no surprise why.

+ Great story
+ Great gameplay + Fantastic music + Great voiceovers
+ Lengthy game
+ 4 Player co-op
+ Good graphics

- Oh yeah, it can also be a bit hard at times.

Where do I start? The story is about a boy named Lloyd Irving( not Irving Lloyd, the professional fisherman) and soon enough he will save the world. There is more to the story such as betrayals, summon spirits and mana. I don't want to say anymore because I might spoil things. The gameplay is great. It is different from your usual turn-based affair and I like it that way. You move in real-time so when you lose, it won't be because your opponent killed you because his turn was first and you were about to use a potion. The sound is phenomonal. The voiceovers are great and there are some voice actors you might even recognise. The music is fantastic and definitely will be stuck in your head. The game is lengthy with two discs. Plus, even if you do finish that, you can play with some friends just in case they are tired of watching you die all the time.

The graphics are cell-shaded and are definitely different. The anime cutscenes are beautiful and you just wish that there were more of them.

The only real downside I can really make up is the cooking system. After a battle, you can cook something to heal everyone. It is pretty forgettable because later on you will be rich enough to buy 20 gels to fill up your slot. Also, the game can be kinda hard but there's nothing like a little leveling up that can fix that.

Overall, you should get this game if you want anything good to play on the Gamecube. It should be cheap now and is definitely worth the purchase.