A welcome addition to anyone's Gamecube collection. Real value for money gaming, Tales of Symphonia is worth every penny

User Rating: 9 | Tales of Symphonia GC
Tales of Symphonia is the first time I've picked up my Gamecube controller since Zelda: The Wind Waker. Of the 70 odd hours I invested into the game from start to finish I can happily say it was certainly a worth while usage of my time. In a word, Tales of Symphonia, is brilliant. Not only is the game presented in beautiful cel-shaded style but it also combines anime-style cut scenes which is a match made in heaven for an anime buff like me. I thought the voice overs were great albeit the dialogue is a bit cheesy in spots but it's all easy to look past thanks to a storyline which is well thought out, with just the right amount of twists and turns to keep you enthralled. Initially the battle system had me a little overwhelmed since it was all so fast and I come from the traditional turn-based RPG background. However after a couple of battles I got into the swing of things and was busy tweaking away my special moves and enjoying what Tales of Symphonia had to offer. The game does offer a multiplayer mode, in my opinion it's better refered to as a 'secret' multiplayer mode since the manual and the game don't tell you squat about how to use it. When you do figure it out, it does serve it's purpose but it's definitely not a multiplayer game so don't run out to the store and buy extra controllers since you will be disappointed. The game does help people who haven't played previous Tales games by having a 'skit' feature but it is not well developed and doesn't really serve its purpose. After a while it gets annoying and there are no voice overs to keep you interested. Thankfully you can hit the start button at any time to skip over a skit and watching them is optional. All in all Tales of Symphonia is a worth-while addition to any Gamecube owners collection. It has huge playtime and is well worth every dollar and every hour invested. I highly recommend it to anyone and everyone!