I borrowed my friend's gamecube and bought the game on ebay just to play it! This game is totally worth the trouble.
Tales Of Symphonia had a very amazing story. The story spans 2 discs and will keep you engaged through the whole thing. Through out the game you will realize at the beginning how little Lloyd and his friends knew and their goals change dramatically at the ending of the game. Another thing I liked about the story was that there were alot of things you weren't expecting(e.g. Kratos was Lloyd's father). I liked this because it made you want to find out what was going to happen next. In conclusion I thought that Tales of Symphonia had a very detailed story.
Characters 10
Like the story I found the characters of Tales Of Symphonia to be very detailed. One of the big reasons I feel this way is because of the skits. Skits are basically conversations between the characters of the game. I liked this because it showed alot of interaction between the characters. During some of the skits Lloyd would be given a choice of what to say and depending on what you choose you would get a different reaction from the other characters. Your choice also affected how close you were to a certain character. I though this was pretty cool because this had an affect on the sub-plots of the story(e.g. If you were closer to Kratos, Zelos would die and vise versa).In conclusion I thought the characters of Tales Of Symphonia were very detailed because they reacted to what you said and your choice also affected what they did in the story.
Graphics 10
For me graphics has never really been an important factor when buying a game so I'm really easy to please. Instead I look more at scenery.
The villages, towns, and cities in Tales Of Symphonia are not too big and not too small...their just right. You won't need to stress yourself over the fact you got lost and don't know where an inn or weapon shop is yet if your the adventurous type and like roaming around talking to the citizens, you will still be pretty happy. Next up is the dungeons! I pretty much feel the same way about the dungeons as I did the towns. Dungeons in Tales Of Symphonia had a pretty good battle pace so you won't have to worry about being spammed by monsters. Last but not least the world map! Let me just tell you I love world maps. It adds so much more scenery and adventure to the game. The world map in Tales Of Symphonia was perfect. I got a great view and was able to change my perspective without trouble. In conclusion I loved the towns, dungeons, and world map of Tales Of Symphonia because they weren't lacking in any way possible.
Gameplay 10
The combat in Tales Of Symphonia was fairly easy to grasp and the controls were not hard to master. In the game you can customize the arts you learn by choosing either T or S type skills. You will also be able to make use of a thing called Unison Attack where all party members attack together in the order you specify. You can also choose which arts they use in the main menu. In conclusion I liked the combat in Tales Of Symphonia because I had a choice of what arts to learn and I had alot of different options open to me.
Overall 9
Overall Tales Of Symphonia had a perfect story, characters, graphics, and gameplay. The music was also very good. I liked how they changed the battle theme when you reached the other world. There were alot of different boss battle themes so you got a variety of themes when you fought. I think that the music in the game expressed the story in Tales Of Symphonia perfectly. Believe it or not there was one thing I didn't like about Tales Of Symphonia which is why I didn't give it a 10. On my second playthrough the game started to glitch alot and my save data even got corrupted several times. Other than that I loved Tales Of Symphonia! The average of my scores is actually 9.8.