This is my top game ever
This is my top game that I have and it is the best thing I have played on the game cube. There is not another game out there that has so much replay value that it will blow your mind. This game has so many plot twists that I can’t remember it after beating the game three times in a row. after you beat the game you get to spend a thing called grade that you get or lose depending on how well you did in battle, this grade can be spent on lots of things from keeping your moves to getting ten times exp. this game has eight characters you can be but only 4 at a time all of the characters can be set on manual (you control), auto (the game dose)and semi-auto (you control but the computer blocks for you) I like semi-auto because it blocks enemy attacks for me and I attack with out having to think about blocking this has some advantages over the manual mode, and not only that but you can set different types of auto mode for the computer you can set it so the spell casters stay back a use spells and the melee dudes stay at the front lines but not only that you can set it so that one spell caster will heal the weakest character and keep some manna in reserve to use later and you can set it so that the character uses only the moves you want like if I don’t want my spell character to use lighting when he has lighting blade I can set it to do that and then there is the weapons in this game there are about 50 weapons each the mane character is a dude with two swords and there are 50 weapons for him and 50 for all of the seven other characters and then there are the evil weapons that do more and more damage for each guy you kill they soon become the best weapons in the game.
Then there is the armor the body armor the hat the glove the shield and then there are the gels that are used to heal health or manna life bottles to bring back KOed good guys and there are all the side quests there is the side quest where you get the evil weapons by fighting the hardest boss in the game oddly enough that’s not the last boss in the game there are dungeons in this game they have puzzles that are slightly remind me of the legend of Zelda games that I like if you like the legend of Zelda or arcade stile fighting or RPGs then this game is for you and now I will have a basic plot line you start at the day of prophecy or some thing and then you friend the chosen of manna is sent out to regenerate the world and you go out with her and a little boy named Genus (who has his voce done by a girl) and a mercenary call Kratos and he helps you though the first dungeon and soon becomes an ally then you get too the second dungeon after getting though that dungeon the chosen gets angel wings and a new move then you release the seal in 4 places but the chosen starts to lose parts of her humanity taste touch and then speech then her memory and soon an assassin who as been trying to kill the chosen becomes your friend and helps you out soon you find out the reason that she wants you to fail is because if you succeed her world will die as the manna drain from her world so you brake in to the rebel base (the rebels are a group who hates the bad guys but dress like them for some reason) and you take some flying things that are like gliders with engines that can fly you use them to fly to a gate in-between the two worlds and then the gliders run out of power and you crash on a mountain top and then you go to a city called Meltokeo this is where you meet the chosen of this world who is a guy who is a womanizer and he likes all three of the girls in your party and then he joins you too and then you go into the church and you get this girl with an ax who joins you too then you go to the ax girls home but half way there the chosen is kidnapped and you find out that the ax girl has been brain washed with a crystal soon you un brain wash her and she finds out that the crystal made her not get any older she had been like that for sixteen years then the chosen (the one that hasn’t been kidnapped) becomes a fugitive because he wont kill you as you go though a sewer three goons attack you for there freedom after you ko them a new (and buff) guy fights you as a boss you beet him and he sees ax girl and stops he asks to talk to her but you wont let him, so he runs of to the forest and then you see him next time you go there and you have to fight him again then he joins you and your party so from there you get the assassin (who can summon elements that you have made a pact with she makes a pact with) she makes a pact with the water spirit called undine you fight her and win and you get the pact and then you make a pact with an electric guy (after a long long dungeon that I hate) who powers up your gliders then you can fly them back to this floating island where the chosen is being kept you all get trapped and the (the chosen is clumsy) falls an blows up the cage that she’s in and then boss battle then you get the chosen back but find out about a manna canon and that means another dungeon at the end of this dungeon you fight a boss kill him he falls into the center of the canon as you exit the place he fallows you and shoots out of his gun on his hand at some one but the chosen jumps in the way at the last moment and gets hit then she starts to change into a stone and you have to find a cure so you find out that you need the manna plant that can only be gotten at the elf’s village so you go there and go though a dungeon fight a boss get it then you heal the chosen and go to the tower of manna but you fight some one else and the tower falls down This is only a small part of the plot and I haven’t finished it and I left out so much that you wouldn’t know what to do; I highly recommend it for all of everybody out there who loves video games Jack has spoken…
Ps things I left out are exspheres, the unicorn, most cities, and the second half of the plot. Also the back stories of all characters and their names, and many more things that don’t come to me right now and so it ends. Ok so um see you…