A great game that was added to teh Tales series.

User Rating: 8.5 | Tales of the Abyss PS2
I loved Tales of Symphonia and then I got Tales of the Abyss. I loved this game just as much. I beat it in a week. My boyfriend says that it is to long. I don't think so.

-Characters are great. Like all Tales there is a story behind them all.
-The gameplay itself is great. It is adventurous.
-Quick paced.

-I got lost about three times. I spent almost an hour and a half looking for a cave. It was annoying. Turns out I had past it almost three times. BE CAREFUL!
-The story was good but once in a while it got a little confusing.

Overall the game was intensely awesome. Without attempting to ruin anything I will speak of one glitch I had. Towards the end of the game you enter a battle. About halfway through the battle it is interuppted with a scene (with the character named Tear). Prior to this scene I died. The scene occured the second I had died. When the scene ended and returned to the battle I was dead but was able to run around and attack the enemy until I was revived. If anyone has this glitch it is awesome and fun! Just giving you a heads up.