Man this is one of my best games in PS2.The gameplay is so good.

User Rating: 9.9 | Tales of the Abyss PS2
It cannot be tell how deep it is.The story line is worth appreciating and hard to predict.The characters are really cool each one has its own speciality.The move we say ARTES in this game are really cool looking and really worth performing.This games consists of couple of deep dialouges which are appreciating.It has a touching story with a great ending.The music is really good.But graphics are bad at a few places.ut even this game features gameplay of more than 70 hours.Its really entertaining.The best things are the MYSTIC ARTES really good looking and with a high impact.Play this game but wait for 3-4 hours that's where the fun begins.Even I hated this game in the very beggining but after a few hours I came to know how amazing was it.