Amazing Game that comes close to perfection

User Rating: 9.7 | Tales of the Abyss PS2
Every aspect of this game is near perfect i loved the Battle system, Story, Music, Character Design, A Lot of extras in the game, and Progression that flows through the whole game......the only thing that docked some points to this game is the loading times.....though they are long. You do get used to it. I was very skeptical of this game since i did not like Tales of Legendia that much, it left me to think that they took a big step back from Symphonia. Symphonia was a near perfect game itself, and it was the game that made me loath turn base RPG's. I could not play another RPG because i fell in love with the battle system. But when i picked up TOA it was love from the start, when i first saw and heard the intro i knew i would be hooked. TOL's battle system felt unpolished and slugish, but Namco learned it's lesson, and now i have a problem picking up another RPG. The characters really grow on you....for exampe the main character Luke, he has Royal blood within him, thoughout the beginning he was so annoying because of the way he was brought up, he starts to change and u start to like him. At one point i had to turn off the game because he made me sick lol. This RPG is so well put together and i put it in the pile with my favorite RPG's of all time....i only have 5 Tales of the Abyss, Tales Of Symphonia, Lunar Silver Star Story complete, Lunar Eternal Blue Complete, Final Fantasy 8 (i thought it was a very good game.....i think people never liked it was because they were compairing it to FF7 and didn't give it a fair equal thought)