User Rating: 9.5 | Tales of the Abyss PS2
- Okay I have played many RPG games like Final Fantasy 12, Dragon quest 8, Kingdom Hearts 2, Valkyrie Profile 2, Grandia 3 etc. But for me TOA is the best game I ever played!!! This is only my 3rd tales game. I have played Tales of Eternia(a.k.a. Tales of destiny II), Tales of Legendia ( which is a disappointment) and last Tales of the Abyss.
I am very disappointed here in gamespot, Because of giving TOA a rating of 7.9!!! its so unfair!!! It deserves better than that. They may at least give TOA a rating of 8.5 or 8.7!!! I envy shadow hearts and FFX – 2 because here in gamespot shadow hearts rating is 8.6 and FFX – 2 is 80 which is higher than TOA and its so UNFAIR!!! Because TOA is far more better than those BORING and STUPID game!!! -Okay for those who reading this review PLEASE don’t believe the low rating of TOA here in gamespot!!! I cannot describe how great this game is so I just want to recommend to you that you know Youtube right?! ( just type in the search box “Tales of the Abyss cameo Battle” and you will know how very good and entertaining this game is!!! And lastly even thought this game is not as popular as the FF series like for example Final Fantasy 10 But still I can promise to you (cross my heart!!!) that this game is worth trying and worth your money and time, Than those game that the only good things about them is graphics. Like for example: Dirge of Ceberus Final Fantasy 7 and Final Fantasy 10. As they say “ what’s the point? Why not watch this two game like a Saturday morning cartoon show!!!” ha! Ha! Ha!!!! Anyway Tales of the Abyss is a must BUY GAME!!!