An interesting piece of work
User Rating: 8.8 | Tales of the Abyss PS2
This just weird to me personally, but it's a good game, lots of action and a good story, a really good story, if you play the game you will see something that's rare in RPG's today, the characters grow and will become something more especially the main character Luke, he starts off as a spoiled rich brat that to be honest you'll hate........really really hate him for half the stuff he does in the story but after a "life" changing even occurs he undergoes what I would call, a life altering transformation, I won't go into details so i'll leave it at that. Possibly the greatest aspect of this game is the story and the characters, the action is nice to, but you'll pay close attention to how everyone acts and Guy for example, he's the second swordsman in the group of heroes, he's a real cool, collective person, to be real, he's a straight ladies man, one problem....he's scared to death of women.....and when I say scared, I mean SCARED of women, it's almost so funny it's pathetic. The only other character i'll mention is the veteran of the group, Jade, he has a interesting one, you'll have to play the game to find out what it is though, it'll lead to the toughest boss fight in the game lol, but anywho, he'll give you a headache from laughter especially if you like people that's sarcastic, because he's someone that would annoy you if you met him in real life. The action in the game is real time and pretty straight forward, but after awhile it'll start to get annoying, the good part about it is the fact that you'll have full control over your character and what he does, but that's not really all that special lol. The last thing i'll mention is that the side quests on this game will almost make up for the rough time with the fighting, you'll be surprised with how much stuff they put into this game, they even threw in some power ranger's funny to see it....but at the same time a little disturbing.....All in all this is a good game and worth playing if you really get into it, but if not, then don't by this one, you'll be better off with Final Fantasy.