Solid RPG
User Rating: 8.3 | Tales of the Abyss PS2
Tales of the Abyss is a solid RPG. Graphically, its not your Final Fantasy but the style is unique. The anime style fits the story very well. This is one of the first tales game that I have played (I did try Tales of Symphonia for GCN). The beginning of the game isn't your usual background story telling. You get into the game pretty quick. The story unfolds as you continue on. The game is very story driven. The battle system is similar to the other tales game, but this game has what you call 'Field of Fonons" where if you have a move with a lightning in it and you attack an enemy within the FOF, you'll do a special move of that attack. There are also many side quests but I think I missed a few of them, but thats the replayability factor of the game. You can go back and find those other quests that you have missed by playing through the story again. The soundtrack is great, the battle music can get you into the game but sometimes I don't really notice it. The voice acting was excellent though. Namco/Bandai did a good job at hiring the voice actors for the game. Overall, this game is a solid RPG. One of the better ones that I have played. Everyone should take a look at this series. (Though they are not related to each other).