Hard to put down!! Great start for the Tales series on the PSP here in the USA! If you are a Tales fan, this one is gold
User Rating: 9.1 | Tales of the World: Radiant Mythology PSP
Been only playing it for awhile and frankly I wish I had more time to play it (got lots of other things I need to be doing right now...). Battle music changes depending on who is in your party, and the mixes, while not as good as the original, have their own nice flare to them on the PSP! So far I got to play as Kratos and he was lvl 20 compared to my characters lvl 5! I've been playing les than 2 hours though and I'm already lvl 10 lol so it may be on the easy side...for now. Crafting in this game is surpisingly simple and has great potential. Like i said I only had this for 2 hours. Tell your friends about this game if you like it because it has also great 2-12 multiplayer potential (battling, trading items, etc.). With it's high rank here on GameSpot, I'm suprised that the store i bought it from (GameStop) didn't get more in! Namco is probably trying to play it safe knowing how their previous installments didn't go platinium or anything. Once again though, Tales series are great games and has historically hasn't gotten the love it desrves from critics! Give it a try! Peace out