Easily the best rpg for psp and one of the best tales games i've played.

User Rating: 10 | Tales of the World: Radiant Mythology PSP
The title pretty much says it all. If you've played any of the recent tales games like, symphonoa, abyss and legendia, you will recognize many familar faces. That is probably the most enjoyable part of the game for me. To have your party mixed up with all the tales games is just a treat. I always loved to pick llyod and raine from TOS cuz those guyz were awesome. You also get to make a character and its so awesome. You're character can have different jobs like warrior, mage, priest...so on....and you can change any time you want !!.....so long as you have enough grade....plenty of familar things like,, moves,, character, items..The game is just awesome...i have abyss and legendia but not even close to beating them..especially legendia..played like one hour of that game. tales of the world is good cuz its portable which is why i probably am addicted to it cuz im now im relly lazy going to my basement and playing it there...tales of smyphonia was different...it waz my first tales game i played and now its probably my fav game of all time. Pick of tales of the world if your a rpg or tales fan..itz amazing.