Decent RPG option for PSP
While Tales of the World Radiant Mythology is a long standing series, this is only the second one I played and the first one I finished. I will try not to divulge too much of the story line and spoil any surprises.
If you like a very in depth game here is one for you. You have over six cl asses of characters plus a few hidden ones. There is vast array of weapons and equipment, some can be used for different cl asses, while other are cl ass dependant. There are also spells and skills for each type of character. You automatically accumulate them as you level. One thing that I did like is the ability to change cl ass without restarting the game. Although you restart at level one, you get to keep all your equipment and even the option to change back.
Game play:
While you start off alone, you eventually add up to three more characters in your group. You find them by talking or accepting quests. While you cannot control them or even equip them, they battle along side you with very little direction. The battles are in real time where as you choose your attack. These attack range from spells or use of swords. The number of enemies range from one to four. There is a main storyline but numerous side quest to help you attain levels and unique items. One other attack mode is pressing a sequence to allow all your characters to attack in one unified blow. Another feature is the finding ability to make items like food and potions or upgrading weapons and armor.
While navigating the towns and main map its basic graphics with a little icon. But inside a building or dungeon its quite different. The view is rather nice where you see the different items equipped down the a hair band or color of a sword. The monsters are nicely detailed along with the special abilities and spells.
Sound and Music:
Nothing too fancy but a bit repetitive. Basic RPG score. The sounds during battle are also basic. Some parts of the interaction have little cutscenes with actual voice not just subtitles.
Not too hard once you get used to the battle system. While over leveling makes the game very easy. You will know if you ventured off too far without leveling. While some encounters cannot be avoided you have the ability to run away from fights.
Final Thoughts:
While I enjoyed the side quests a bit too much I put in a lot of time into this game where I could have finished it in a third of the time. It's a very indepth RPG. Some people might find the grueling battles to level tiresome. Overall is a good game even though there is a few other options available to the PSP which are better.