A game that had potential, but fell short of prefection
Storyline: I felt that the storyline was pretty in depth. There was the standard roles of 'heroes in distress' built into every character. It's an easy plot to understand, but i wont spoil it for those who consider purchasing the game. The voice acting appears at some points in the game, adding for an enhanced idea to the character. When dialog occurs the standard 'Tales of...' portrait of the person talking appears, giving you an idea on their current emotion.
Overall I rate it a 9/10
Gameplay: Here is the only history i had on the Tales of series. This is the main reason i wanted to purchase this game. The battle system in this series of game is so flawlessly put together. Every battle is something different (unless you 1 hit KO enemies). The artes you gain as you level and master your current artes make it exciting to level up each of your classes. There are 9 classes(correct me if I'm wrong) of characters, some using different weapons, but all having unique artes. Overall I rate it a 10/10
Graphics: Stunning for the PSP and really shows the power of that paper weight you've been waiting to see. 10/10
Personal Opinions/Problems: These opinions of mine are why i rate it overall as a 7.5. I just had so many minor problems with this game that ruined the hypedness I gave it. The worst problem I had with it was that their were No Towns. By that I mean that the towns were simple one roomed closed area that you selected by a list. There was no traveling in town to the area you needed to be. Also, I need a world map in an RPG. All i do in an RPG is powerlevel my characters and it becomes annoying to choose an area and fight every thing in that area. I really would prefer this game if their were no voice acting because of two reasons, 1. Some of these voices are just pure annoying, hearing some of these is like sitting on an elementary bus. 2. If they didn't use so much voice acting they might've had more time to develop a world map or something that makes going to a new area more excting then hitting left on the d-pad to go to the next area of combat.
This concludes my first review. I might not have hit all the points in the game, but there is enough reviews to see that. This review was to show people who don't own the game some of the minor problems I have and see if i can let others know before they are let down.