Well, how to say this...? Boring.
Truthfully, anyone paying money for this game should return it post haste.
Not only is the game play repetitive --Get a quest, kill something or collect something, report and get your reward, repeat-- but it's also REALLY slow in it's progression. You'll find yourself wondering where and when in Hell you're going to level up or find the end of certain dungeons.
Actually, these... holes in the ground have no right calling thereselves dungeons; there aren't any confusing routes to sort through or difficult puzzles to crack.
Granted, there are some good points; you can play with some characters --Rain, Genis, Leon, Chester-- you may recognize from other Tales games and use attacks --Demon Fang, Sword Rain Alpha, Eruption, Hawk Ascent-- that are already near and dear to your thumbs. However, there's very little to rejoice about because, no matter how flashy the attack, if there isn't a challenging enemy to grant you satisfaction after killing it with said attack, then it just isn't right.
Oh and, maybe it's just me, but what did they do to Lloyd's voice? He's suppose to sound like Robin from our favorite Teenage super team the Teen Titans, but now he doesn't!
40 bucks? Ch'ya, right!