Yes, another mostly-generic JRPG for the PSP. Well done, but nothing particularly special.
The gameplay is straight forward -- you control a nameless, voiceless custom character that has (of course) forgotten who he is, and you must help the people of this world defeat a monster that is devouring the land. Naturally, you do this by slowly completing 283472389 nearly identical quests, defeating wolves, onion monsters, collecting herbs and rice, and generally hanging about trying to make money. Now, this "THE WORLD IS DOOMED! SAVE US! But first, let's make some sushi!" is pretty traditional for JRPGs, but it really gets old in this game. You essentially are on an endless loop of collecting a simple quest, venturing into bland, repetitive dungeons to complete the quest, return to town, ad-nauseum.
Radiant Mythology uses the traditional Tales real-time combat. It's not quite button-mashing madness, but it's close -- you can choose to focus your level-ups on strength and buy better weapons, and then reduce the game to a button masher, and you'll succeed. You can also choose a more magical route, but the spell system is also somewhat unremarkable, but it is fun to watch your character become lethal and nearly invincible with your magical prowess.
The voice acting and characters are also traditional JRPG -- most characters are plucky sexually ambiguous teens with a little bit of attitude and a lot of firepower. You can take on quite a few different teammates as you quest, and that does shake up the mundane dungeon crawling a little.
The visuals do look great -- everything looks bright, colorful and detailed, in both the 2d and 3d segments.
Overall, Tales: Radiant Mythology is nothing to get too excited about, but it's a decent portable JRPG.