A 6.0? you got to be kidding me, this is the best rpg on the PSP!

User Rating: 9 | Tales of the World: Radiant Mythology PSP
This game should be at least 8.5 or 9.0 simply on the fact its long. I've been playing for 24 hours worth now and I've only completed 30% of the quests. You get to create your own character, He or She becomes a mercenary working for the local guilds of the towns and, when you go to get new armor you actually wear the outfit. Which is rare in rpg games usually your clothes would stay the same. Some of past best characters that Namco has created for tales of appear in the game, including Chester, Kratos, Raine, Senel, Lloyd, and etc... You have job classes but, you can change your class at anytime. Sometimes you may want to if another class might be better suited for the quest. This is definately a must buy game for psp owners.

I love getting to pick your roster for quests. Mix and match characters from different games. I also like crafting a whole bunch. I always upgrading my armors with gems that I crafted. I also like crafting gels so I don't have to buy any in the store.