This is a typical run in this game Cutscene-Walk-Cutscene-Walk-Talk-Cutscene. Repeat this several times then you may get into combat. If you are in a hard story loop there is no deviation in fact your experience would be the previously described moment multiply by 10-30 times. Most of the time spent is listening to dialogue or cutscenes in which you have to press A to continue the dialogue. The dialogue is mostly painful because each character is severely one dimensional. Yuri(Edgey hero), Estelle(Idiot pure female), Rita(Angry girl), Karol(Dumb boy), Raven(Old man despite just being 35) and Judith(The sexy chick). They NEVER deviate from their assigned roles. In fact the game reminds you of their trope over and over and over and it never stops. The majority of the story is contrived and drags on intensely as you near the end. I am currently at 27 hours in and it has gotten tiresome. I count about twenty instances of the group splitting only to not split after the conversation.
Most of your times is spent chasing an ever moving objective. So despite 27 hours of playing only two objectives were met. The rest is just the never ending escalation. The game starts out with solving a water fountain to saving the world form imminent disaster. I stress so much on the story because the game pushes the story as the main element of the game. The core game is simply an inconvenience to the heavy handed story telling. You will spend a good 80% of your time in dialogue and cutscene, the rest would be actual gameplay.