I love the tales of....series..im a fan since ps2 and this game complete it all the way...but there is something....
why? well because its the copy upgraded with another story...the way you can listen or avoid some history parts....the fighting system...the models....how the camera works....everything...
Well of course it has more pretty graphics...more combos...more items.....more history....more dialog....but it is the same....
Well of course it isnt annoying but after a while playing you really wants to feel something different of tales of the abyss....well its my opinion ...
So if you past this little thing...you get one incredible game....a huge fantastic history...nice characters....the way they evolve with you...the capacity to play with anyone....
The open world typical of an rpg....the lot of secrets...the level up system...combo system...
Its just not something to get really thrilled....is an ok game for me..to pass time....but what i really hate its the button smasher thing....whats up with that???....fight...XXXXXX XXXXXX XXXX XXXXXX XXXXXX XXXX XYOU WIN..grrrrrrrrrrrrr