An amazing game that combines all aspects of a great and funny rpg game.
Turns out the main guy is Yuri Lowell (Not Lowenthal lol) who is a pretty cool guy. He is a go getter and does anything and everything his way and gets away with it. He ends up being dragged into things by certain events and meets other cool friends. All the characters fit in well together and the many and I mean many skits in the game will keep you laughing pretty often. While the story could have been better it was enough because the game play is very addicting.
The game play is just about the same as every other Tales game, including GRADE earned after battle and so on. The difficulty can range from v very easy to very hard. You can actually change the difficulty in the options menu at any time in the game. The majority of the bosses on normal in the first play through can be pretty difficult and each contain a secret mission achievement, most of which are very difficult to unlock. The MANY artes and skills that can be learned in the game can have many different ways to turn the tides in battles. You can use them to create new combos and different styles of fighting pretty much.
And finally the graphics. The game looks more like some kind of anime but it still looks great! The cut scenes look even better and goes well with the theme of the game.
Everything blends well and makes the game a worthy addition to the Tales of franchise. I give this game a 9.5 out of 10.