Tales of Vesperia is Awesome!!!

User Rating: 10 | Tales of Vesperia X360
Tales of Vesperia is a Awesome Games, A Great Story, The Battle System is Great, and the Characters have a Interesting Plot. The Battles has New Additions like the Secret Missions, Burst Artes and Fatal Strikes. This game has a lot of tittles, Weapons, Rare Items, and a lot of Strategies and Artes. Also Mini Games. The Story Starts a little confusing but it reveals the real plot after playing 5+ of the Game then the Plot gets Interesting and it gets you wondering what will happen next. I've Played about 222 Hours so far, and Still not done with all events in the game. get it its Awesome! This Game is the reason why I bought the X-Box 360, Because I'm a Huge Fan of the Tales Series =D If you Love Tales of the Abyss and Symphonia, get Tales of Vesperia.

Story: 9.25/10.00
Graphics: 9.75/10.0
Gameplay: 10.0/10.0
Fun: 10/10
Overall: 9.75/10.0