now you will know what is the best rpg up-to-date....... tales of vesperia!

User Rating: 9 | Tales of Vesperia X360
tales of vesperia....
a solid game..
the lastest franchise of the tales series made by namco...
the whole story was great...
but some of the details were not understood by me..
when i played the game...
i doubt it would be better than satr ocean 4 or LO..
but minute after minute...i got addicted to the game...
gameplay was simply amazing!!
it looks like SO4
but it's kinda happy because of the characters..
not like the characters in SO4 which were kinda good but kinda annoying too...
best i ever seen...
it's superb...
the cartoony edge of the graphics amazed me...
sound system was pretty well too...
better than any rpg and its compatible with game not like other games which are like very odd sound which does not compensate wih the game...
overall....tales of vesperia is the best tales game i ever played...
even the best game i ever played..
my score is 9.0/10