Best Tales game yet... I dare say, best RPG to date...

User Rating: 9.5 | Tales of Vesperia X360
I'm nearing the completion of this game, and I must say that I am absolutely in love with this game. As soon as the opening theme started playing with the cool video that came along with it, I had a good feeling about this game. The game starts off the typical way, with the introduction of the main character. Within the next few minutes the story already starts to pick up, and take off. Who would have thought that this would end up being the best story structured game I've seen to this day.

First things first,
Game Play: 10
True to the Tales of... Series, the battle system remains highly active with you stuck on the battlefield in full-on, real time, hack-and-slash combat. With it being 3-D, I had worries that it'd feel clunky to play like the other 3-D Tales games. However, it seems they've not only improved on it, but made it by far the best RPG battle system I've ever experienced. (hats off to you, Bandia)

Every one remembers the short little skits littered throughout any of the Tales games by the hundreds, and if you've never played, they were... well, fairly boring. For the most part I never really read/watched any of them, and just skipped them, because the dialog was just too much to read, and I just wanted to continue on. Yet again, they improve, and they make ALL of the short skits voice acted. Which did so much to help develop the characters, on a whole new level.

(speaking of which, to my next subject)

Character Development: 10 (absolutely Flawless)
Right off you sucked into the characters personality as they are introduced. As time passes, every characters traits and characteristics continue to immerse you into the depth of their being. Even the annoying Karol's personality develops, and as much as I hate to say it, he does play a part in the story.

(which brings me to, you've guessed it)

Story Structure: 10
With as far as I have gotten, getting further into the game, only makes me want to get even further. Events trigger other events, and the cast find themselves in situations they must work out of, or fixing the situation itself. Every turn of the game has you coming back for more, wanting to know what is going to happen next, or what the current antagonist is planning to do. This game has literally made me lose sleep because I couldn't bring myself to stop playing at a certain spot.

Graphics: 10
The world where Tales of Vesperia takes place, is brightly lit, and very colorful. They went with a Cel shade style of visual work, and it worked out perfectly for this game. Nothing ever seems out of the ordinary, or looking like it doesn't belong there. On both Hi-Def, and regular T.V.s this game delivers a vibrant world for you to explore.

Audio: 9.5
The music is wonderful, the voice acting is amazing, and the sound effects help piece everything together in a way I never thought imaginable. A true RPG can nail music, make it stick out, but without you ever really knowing it was there to begin with. However, (and I'm going to Quote 'Lee' from 'Still Gaming') "There were several parts in the game where there seemed to be a crucial part that needed voice acting, but was no-where to be found. Yet, seconds after that scene, you see two characters chit-chatting about nothing too important." I found that to be true with the first half of the game... haven't had that problem since.

Overall: 10 *****
This game currently stands on my top 10 list of RPG's, in first place. Even unbeaten, this game has moved me, and I hope to find other games that will follow it's example of what it means to make an RPG. With all that said, I can only recommend this game to RPG fans everywhere, and even those who aren't fans, this would be a good game to start with.
To those who have never played any of the Tales games, let this serve as the best example of all of the games to date.

I hope you find this review helpful, and I apologize for it's length.