I totally love this game, I hope they give us the extra content that the ps3 is getting. If not i'm going to buy it for my ps3, it's seriously one of the best rgp's i've ever played.. Good music, good battle system and being able to change costumes is also a pluse because i kind of get sick of seeing the same look all the time.. But yea this is a great game something worth wasting hours on it's just plain fun and it's one of the best ways to watch an animation movie, by playing it and getting some side storys too...I put 60 hours on this game easy.. But I really do hope we get that extra content, the sword dancers and the other playable char would be awsome too have..Because i know if it dosen't hit state side i'll be importing it for my ps3 soon.
I hope they give us that extra content for the game, i'd pay 30 bucks for the dl content or another cd like their doing with ssf4...
Now I had decided not to do anymore reviews, because my reviewing style seem out of place and I feel awkward trying to do reviews as I feel blundering. But this game more then deserves something from me. I'm not here ... Read Full Review
As much as I love RPGs I've never been a fan of anime, and in the past I've never been a big fan of anime-inspired games. However there were some exceptions in the past with the PS2 that made me a bit more open-minded, a... Read Full Review