One of my all time favorite JRPGs to date, if you own a 360 and like Japanese games, get this game if you haven't yet.
Tales of Vesperia is probably my favorite so far. Again the story is the same "save the world" but I always love how the Japanese take it in different directions so the journey is always different.
Playing a more anime styled JRPG for the first time in HD was pretty awesome to behold, the cities/villages look amazing and like actual cities, not 6 house towns so definitely a step forward (similar to how Final Fantasy XIII's cities are basically like dungeons because of how huge they are). The voice acting is superb, not a single character I would replace, all are lovable and special in their own way (made sure to master each character).
I've always loved the real time battle system of the Tales series and how fluid the game play is and I very much loved how every character felt powerful and could handle battles on their own. For me, a great battle system always makes it more enjoyable to level up/grind.
Lastly, I admire how JRPGs are always VERY long games, ensuring that you get your money's worth. Tales of Vesperia is what turned my 360 from a Kinect device to my hardcore gaming console.
Story: 9/10
Characters: 10/10
Visuals: 9.5/10
Sound: 9/10
Gameplay: 9.5/10
Value: 10/10
Overall: 9.5/10