A Tales game that will let you down in many ways
The game stars two main characters names Jude a 15 year old medical student, which ummm doesn't make sense but oh well and Millia a 20 year old girl who is the owner of the 4 great spirits. Together they go on a journey to stop a powerful weapon from destroying the world as we know it!
Graphics: 7/10- Considering the game is 2 years old technically it looks pretty sharp and for a rpg there putting effort into characters faces a bit more. Though nothing in the game really stands out as wow either. Most areas are copied and pasted.
Music: 5/10- Voice acting was solid enough, but I think the cast itself is what made it worse. The music in battles is just terrible and the music outside of battle was average to horrible.
Gameplay: 8/10- Solid as always from a Tales game and they added different directions for normal attacks so there's no really to just slam A. TP is back and the artes are as cool as ever in combat. They added team attacks and an auto item feature which is a plus or a minus depending on how you like to play the game. I found without using items myself, the game became a bit bland and also items some how now work on everyone your linked with which makes the game way to easy. I swear I died like twice in this game on normal difficulty. Level up normally and upgrade your equipment which is now all bought, no more finding weapons in treasures :( and this games a cake walk.
Replay Value 5/10- There's two heroes and each has parts in the game where they split up and talk with different characters so for the complete package you got to play twice.
Length around 40 hours or more
Overall: The characters are some of the worst in Tales history and the storyline makes no sense, but the gameplay is solid enough and some of the skits are funny. It lacks fan service and they expect you to pay for extra costumes..... Yah if you havn't played Graces on PS3 or Vesperia for 360 picked those up before this and wait for a price drop.
Final Score 6.5
I can't believe I just gave a Tales game a score that low, but its not something you will want to pick up again once its done. Alvin saves this game from getting a lower score as hes funny and has mystery. I heard they made Tales of Xillia 2 way better, so maybe it fixes what this game couldn't do.