Unexpected game play. Not in a good way.
User Rating: 6.7 | Tao's Adventure: Curse of the Demon Seal DS
Im disapointed with this game. The cover makes it seem cool and so does the summary on the back, but I wish you could go thorugh all kinds of towns before you actually made it to the "Monster Tower". This game needs to totslly redeam itself so there should be some kind of sequal. WITH A LONGER AND MORE INTERESTING CLINGING STORY LINE! If it had a sequal with controls that werent so slugish and a little faster, they would see better results. The whole RPG'ish, give the hero a name thing is cool. That makes the player feel like there actually in the game and stuff (if you eneter your own name), but i dont think people would want to go to this world. Its the same routine over and over again, kinda like Final fantasy and POkemon game play with the whole taking turns thing.