fun to play on the go
Tap Tap Revenge is an iPhone version of Guitar Hero....kinda. There are three keys, and as the notes come, you have to tap them. I know, it's difficult, right?
There are different modes to play, 1 Player, 2 Player, where you can play with another person on the same system, and Online mode. You don't need codes, and you can chat too. Go have fun on the many servers!
When you first get the game, you don't have many songs. You can download songs online. Some are free, while others are not. I bought a bunch I liked, so go out and look.
The controls worked good. Just tap the buttons. However, when I played 2 Player Mode, I've noticed that the controls became unresponsive sometimes. But, that didn't really hinder me from kicking people's butts.
This game is good for when your on the go and need a game to play. And, it's only $.99 on the App Store! It's worth every penny.
This game gets a 7.5 out of 10 with the title of Good.