This is by far the best fighting game I've ever played. This game alone is a very good reason to buy a Wii

User Rating: 10 | Tatsunoko vs. Capcom: Ultimate All-Stars WII
This is one of the best fighters I've ever played.

Even if you have no idea who these Tatsunoko characters are, it won't matter at all. They're still very fun to use and at least there's still familiar Capcom characters. There are about 25 characters ranging from Ryu, Batsu from Rival Schools, Ken the Eagle from Gatchaman/G-Force and Tekkaman Blade. Usually in games like these, if there are characters that I would have like to have seen but didn't make it into the game, I would be disappointed. For example, I would have like to have seen Speed Racer or Jin with Blodia, but this game is so much fun that it will NOT matter weather your favorite character is in it or not.

Graphics: The graphics are great! You may forget that you're playing a Wii! They almost look HD and have a very unique anime style to them. Capcom really pushed the Wii to the limit with this game. The special effects are awesome, over-the-top and jaw-dropping. Also, unlike Marvel vs Capcom 2, the background graphics fit very well with the characters.

Sound: Everything is superb. The voice actors are very good and they put a lot of feeling into what they're saying and matches what the characters are doing which makes even the voices actors fun to listen to. The music is very cool and WILL get stuck in your head. Most of it is techno and fits the stages and the over-the-top action.

Gameplay: They made the controls very simple and only 3 attack buttons and a partner button. At first I thought this would be a bad thing but it just makes everything a lot easier and you can still execute many different attacks due to button combinations. The 3 buttons mainly just help the people who are new or not very good at Capcom to fighting games. The online mode is nearly flawless and very rare to encounter a match with lag. Unlike Smash Bros Wi-Fi, controls respond as soon as you push them, so you can show off your true skills without worrying about button delay. This game can be very competitive against other players with your friends or online. Heck, it's even fun against button mashers! This game is just plain fun! You'll want to play this game over and over!

Overall: Masterpiece. This game is the reason to buy a Wii