Whether you like arcade fighters or just not that into them, pick this one up.

User Rating: 8.5 | Tatsunoko vs. Capcom: Ultimate All-Stars WII

Graphics and Sound: Very good-looking game. The surroundings, character models, and just about everything in this game looks sharp and snazzy. Definitely an eye candy when pulling off Hyper Combo's. As far as sound goes, the Japanese-styled intro music and battle music are a pleasure to hear. No complaints in the sound booth.

Gameplay: With 4 control options, it's up to you to pick your weapon. The Wiimote-only has a pretty casual setup, and just about anybody can pick up and play. There's no tutorials though, so you're gonna want to pick up the manual to find out how to block, etc. and use your characters properly. All the characters are well-balanced, with the slight exception of the giant robots (G-Lightan and PTX-40A), which can be somewhat overpowered. The main menu is pretty easy to navigate, with modes like Arcade (fight through 8 rounds with a final boss), which is how you unlock more content, Time-Attack, Survival, Local 2P Versus, Training, and Online Play. Online allows you to play with Free or Ranked matches with random people or your friends (which still uses FC's) and you can register people you encounter online as "rivals", so you can challenge them again if they're online, which is pretty sweet. There is a shop where you can purchase galleries and unlock more stuff, and the Options mode let's you even change the overall difficulty of the game, making it just right.

In the long run: With an online mode and 5 different non-online modes to choose from and quite a lot of stuff to unlock, this will keep you playing for a while.

Final Words: The only actual flaws with this game is that in online they don't pair you up with people of your skill level in ranked matches, and there should of been unlockable stages, and a few more characters, because 25 is kinda small.

If you like arcade fighers, pick this one up. Buy it. If you're not too big on arcade fighters like me, pick it up anyway. It's that good and it just simply rocks. Tatsunoko and Capcom definitely succeeded with making this game.