Team Buddies combines tedium and frustration... with lots of gratuitous profanity thrown in for good measure.

User Rating: 3.4 | Team Buddies PS
Team Buddies is best described as LEGO-meets-Command & Conquer. Actually, I take back this description, because Team Buddies is nowhere near as fun. Quite honestly, you'd have a lot more fun re-enacting the GDI-vs-NOD struggle with little plastic men then you would playing this game. The game revolves around your crack squad of... one man. And no weapons. In fact, you're not even armed at the start of the game. All you have at your disposal is a base, and a "stacking pad". You'll soon notice that there are lots of tiny crates scattered everywhere. These are, quite literally, the "building blocks" of Team Buddies. Your lowly, unarmed, defenceless soldier has to pick each block up by hand, and carry it over to the stacking pad. You'll be rewarded with weapons, vehicles, and extra soldiers, depending on how you stack the blocks on the stacking pad. Once you've amassed enough force, you can go and start a fight with the nearby enemies - hopefully, your team will have more firepower than the others, and you'll win. That's pretty much it. It's perfectly possible to finish a battle in five minutes. So much for any notion of enjoyment - it's hard to enjoy something that's over in the blink of an eye. One problem that becomes noticeable is the enemy's tendency to be one step ahead of you. Just as you assemble your soldiers, the other team charges you in their tanks, reducing the game to little more than an exercise in frustration. What makes all this worse is the voice acting. Your soldiers speak in possibly the worst British accents ever. As an English native, I actually found the voice acting to be offensive. At least Dick Van Dyke had never visited the country whose accent he was murdering. To make matters worse, they're all laden with profanity. In a game where cute cartoon characters are the order of the day, the bad language is totally unnecessary. I could go on for ages about this game's frustrating gameplay, the tedious repetition, or the unnecessary repetition, but I'll leave it at this - don't play this game.