Move over Wii! This here is the true Party Game!

User Rating: 9 | Team Buddies PS
I'd like to start off this review by criticizing the GS review for this game.

First off, the review seems to be a 4am-5minutejob-makesomethingupquickforthedeadline review.
The reviewer contradicts himself on many points, and doesn't really give any indication that he played the game longer than a few minutes.
"Keeping track of four Buddies while performing three or more maneuvers at once is painfully confusing". Well if that confuses you, I can see why you wrote a moronic review and gave it a 4.8.
Frank Provo has hopefully been fired since, as that review was simply pathetic.

Now, I'm not the master reviewer myself, but unlike good 'ol Frank, I'll try to give this game a fair review based on my full experiences with this game.

The first time I played this game, was in a Demo Disc for the European Official Playstation Magazine, in 1999 if i'm not mistaken.
I was instantly in love with this, together with Hogs of War, Driver 2, and Muppet Race Mania, which were also on that awesome demo disc.
I played this demo together with my brother, and my friends for many hours, and though short and not really much variation it was simply F.U.N.

This game is a very rare title. The only time I saw it on sale in my country, was for a bargain price since all the cd cases were somehow cracked during transportation :/
Unfortunately then, I had FFIX and Driver 2 that I recently bought, and I was broke.

It took me 6 years to have my brother find the game on the New Zealand bid or buy, and have him ship it to me.
When I got it, I was used to F.E.A.R. type graphics, and awesome games like GTA San Andreas, and many other PS2 and PC titles.
However, even though its a PS1 classic, I was still enthralled by it.
I played all of the single player missions, which although some missions got me to curse more than the cute little characters, due to it's insane difficulty, was rewarding in the end due to the big variety in the 6 worlds: the different types of soldiers, different weapons, different super weapons (such as a small plane you could fly around and drop bombs on your friends with).

The main purpose of this game was straight-up multiplayer fun of course.
These days everyone is fixated on how many polygons a character or environment in a game has, or if the sound track has a bajillion licensed songs or whatnot.
What is really lacking in games these days though is the pure fun factor. The ability of a game to keep you playing the game for years just because it's damn fun!
For PC we have Quake 3, CS1.6, Starcraft, and many legendary games still played en-masse today.
I'd go so far as to say that for the PS1, Team buddies, along with hogs of War, are games that should have this status.

Having a 4 player game with this is simply the most insane fun you can experience.
If you find playing Iron Man on the PC using an emulator, and having 4 players playing on 1 keyboard fun, this will be 10 times better.

Even though its an old game without many polygons (keke) its still very shiny and vivid, and the sound complements it. It's a crazy fast paced party game, so the graphics and sounds fit perfectly.

If you are longing for such a game, and are bored with Wii Sports already (or you broke your tv with the wii-mote), get this together with Hogs of War.
You will NOT regret it!