An aquired taste. Pretty much you like it or not and i didn't but now i do :)

User Rating: 8 | Team Fortress 2 PC
Team Fortress 2 is part of the Orange Box set and in my opinion at first i loved the way it is animated and all but soon raged and quit because of HP etc. But my mates started playing so i got back in now im fairly good but anyways. TF2 puts the Source engine to good use and is a very entertaining game. The physics and graphics both are funny. The physics allow you to blast yourself across an area with a rocket or grenade. It gets pretty insane when your whole team are Pyros and you just charge like its WWII. The game is definatly a must buy. it is VERY entertaining. i played 7 hours straight without looking from the screen. There is a wide choice of classes ranging from Demoman to Spy, Scout and Heavy. Pyro flames everything, Heavy miniguns everything and Spy clones the enemy. TF2 now has 2 classes with acheivments: Pyro and Medic. Both with challenging but possible goals.