A great game with something for all types of players.

User Rating: 10 | Team Fortress 2 PC

Team Fortress 2 is one of the 5 Games in the game collection The Orange Box. It's an MultiPlayer-Only FPS, that allows players to select from 9
diffrent characters, each with it's own little niche of fill, and supplys the player with multiple play styles. The characters are catagorized by
Offensive, Defensive, and Support. Each character sports a primary and secondary weapon, as well as a unique melee weapon. Some have a special weapon, depending on what role they play.In addition to the weaponry they also have a number of taunts/cheers/silly-actions that they can do with the X button.
The action done depends on what weapon you have out at the time and what class your playing. These really help give each character their own
personality as well as produce a certain feel for each character. Even so it's not a wise thing to do in the middle of a firefight as once you start
the animation you can't do anything until its finished and as a result your wide open to getting blown away. While visualy appealing and in some cases almost as much fun as a good, old fashion Teabagging, it can be frustrating to be in the middle of a shootout and bump the button and get yourself killed. Even without it though the style of graphics used creates an enjoyable enviroment and IMO seems to help remove some of the competitive tension and rage that can build up. Even if I constantly get killed and am unable to score any kills myself, I still enjoy it. One of the other ways this game avoids causing a player to become frustrated quickly is that almost every situation can be turn around with a little teamwork and changing of classes. In several situations I've been trapped in the resupply (The resupply is the area where you spawn, but also has a box to refill your health, ammo and other things intstantly, and it's also the only place you can go that the enemy can not follow.) because the enemy will camp outside and wait for the door to open then shoot in. If the enemy is using unmanned Turrets to do this all you have to do ishave some one go spy and sap them all and then escape. If the enemy is simply standing there have a few people go Heavy and Soldier, then preform a full on kamakazie strike with someone healing and your problem may very well be solved. This is where some of you get off unfortunatly, as this may require thought, rather than straight up reflexes and trigger-happy fingers. This game can easily be played without any strategy, but playing with some coordanation between teammates will go along way.

The Game also supports a heathy number of gametypes, but what gametype you play is based on the map your on. You can only play the gametype that the map uses, and you can't mix and match, but this is not as big of a bummer as it sounds. The maps are very well amde and are designed just for that gametype. Also most of the maps sport muiltiple sections you play through during the game. This creates a a good map for each gametype that is balanced and fair. Push comes to shove, it's all personal opinion on that point.All in all it's a great game that allows everyone to find there own place.