team fortress 2 is a cartoon style first peson shooter tha provides hours of guilt free fun for your children

User Rating: 8.5 | Team Fortress 2 PC
team fortress 2 like team fortress classic is a cartoon style first person shooter game that will bring hours of enjoyment to your household with over 15 maps and 5 gametypes this is a great game for you and you family.

in team fortress 2 you can play 3 roles defence attack and

in defece you can play as engineer heavy or demoman
attack you can play as scout soldier or pyro
support u can play as sniper medic or spy

each role has 3 players and each player has a primary secondary and blunt force mallee weapon eg scout has a scatter gun a pistol and a baseball bat

there a re many maps and game types including payload , intell and many more ,
some of the maps are a little bit confusing considering theres only 1 way out of a spawn and some times the other team sets up sentury guns and camps the s$^t out of your team and you cant get any where

this game is avalable on pc as a stand alone game or as part of the orange box witch also includes halflife 2 and portal and th orange box is avalible on xbox 360 for around 60-75 dollars and the stand alone game can be found on ebay for about 30-40 excluding postage

this is a highly addictive fun game and i recomnd it to any one who has children above the age of 7 or so or if you a fun loving adult that isbt really into the newer high quality games