Beautiful, fast-paced, intense, and just plain fun! Plus, I can play with friends, no matter where we are!
User Rating: 10 | Team Fortress 2 PC
TF returns with Team Fortress. After finishing Portal(both endings), I started playing TF2. It is delicious. I can instantly hop into any type of game I want to play, and whenever I get bored/annoyed at my comrades/opponents, I can just jump to another server to own a whole new group of n008s!! Fun, fast, and with a class for everyone, TF2 is worth playing all the time! You've got the soldier, for the run-and-gun types, the medic for the motherly types, the heavy for the boorish type, the spy for the backstabbing type, the scout for the jump in/jump out type, just to name a few. With multiple play formats, such as capture the flag, you can keep things fresh. My personal favorite is the 5-point contest, where the two teams contend for a total of 5 control points. This has a job for everybody. Scouts capturing points, soldiers oblitterating everything, heavies breaking up enemy installations, and medics helping out! Engineers building sentry guns to defend points, spies shaking everything up. There is much fun to be had.