An easily accessible fun FPS with a surprising amount of depth.

User Rating: 9 | Team Fortress 2 PC
TF2 is a very original FPS which is a welcome change in a genre over saturated with military shooters, there are numerous classes all of which offer varying play styles, from the highly durable heavy to the stealthy and fragile spy.

The game has a very low skill floor, meaning it is quite easy to get into, however at lower levels of play balance may seem less obvious as some classes are much easier to pick up and play than others, prime examples being the Demoman and Heavy both of which are significantly simpler to play effectively on a basic level than the Scout or the Spy for example. Because of the games accessibility many people may refer to the game as casual when in truth the game is one of the deepest FPS titles of recent years.

The game allows for a decent amount of customization of classes by equipping them with hats and other accessories, as a player plays random items will be added to their inventory, very rarely these will be hats, the majority of the time they will be weapons. Although somewhat rare hats can be gained by turning weapons into metal and then combining the metal together once you have enough.

One of the glaring flaws of this game in more recent years, since the inclusion of in game trading is that often you will find people suddenly stop playing at crucial moments in game because they're busy trading with other players. Although I don't find this to be massively annoying I can understand why it would make others blood boil.

In conclusion I would highly recommend trying this game out, even more so now that it is f2p, you are bound to find a class you enjoy playing because that is the area in which this game excels; variety. From the game modes, to the character classes to the customization options, this game has so much variety there will be plenty to keep you entertained for 100's of hours, maybe even 1000's.


Worth the weight