More than just a delicious sandvich.
This is a gist of what you're getting out of Team Fortress 2.
To make it simple, TF2 is a class-based multiplayer juggernaut developed by Valve. It's also the multiplayer aspect of The Orange Box, and a hell of a good one too. What you're receiving out of this 20-dollar game are 9 different classes, unique and well-designed maps, and a creative art direction. Now to go into more detail.
When I mean nine different classes, I mean nine different classes that are special in their own way. Separated into three categories, each class has different roles compared to the others that contribute to a team. The Heavy would attack and fend off against other opponents with an enormous mini gun. The Spy would cloak and disguise to sneak behind enemy lines. The Engineer would build sentry guns to seek and destroy threatening players and construct dispensers to assist teammates. The Medic would heal teammates and fill his ubercharge which would award him and the player being healed temporary invincibility when charged at 100%. That's what I think makes TF2 truly special. Variety. Every class has its advantages and disadvantages for the purpose of harmonic balance. In the end, particular classes bring particular play-styles for particular players. In other words, there's always something for everyone.
TF2 may not have much official maps, but each is enjoyable to play and requires altering tactics based on situations. Thankfully it wasn't like Counter Strike where I would only play on maybe 3 or 4 of the same maps and not even touch the rest. Valve has done a spectacular job of balancing the maps despite the lack in numbers. They're all just plain fun to play on, whether you're playing Capture The Flag or Capture Point. They're also very well-structured. The refurbished and polished Team Fortress Classic map 2Fort is notable proof. And if you're bored with those maps, there're always a butt-load of custom-made maps designed by players.
Now, when you first looked at screenshots of TF2, some of you might've denounced its cartoon-ish look and style. But the Pixar-like animations and art direction are the polish and shine of TF2, all enhanced with their in-house engine, Source. It all releases off to create this somewhat bizarre atmosphere with colorful characters and buckets of crude humor. Overall, it truly emphasizes the personality of these characters, be it their unusual taunts to their altering facial expressions. It all just syncs into one huge mass of synergy. Go watch the "Meet the _____" promotional videos and you'll see what I mean.
Guess what time it is folks? BICKERING TIME. That's right. As much as I love this game to death, there's one issue that I feel I have to point out. Community. Now, TF2, being already freaking awesome as it is, can be a fabulous experience when played co-operatively. However, the slowly degrading community has encouraged that to a lesser extent than before. Although this was to be expected since it's, well, the internetz, it can be a bit daunting at times when you want to play semi-seriously and there's 4 or 5 peeps shooting racial slurs back and forth, arguing, and occasionally blasting the Tetris theme at full volume. Just hope it would've been as decent as in 2007, but I suppose as much as I'd love for the community to be slightly less vulgar, the "mute" option is still there. Hey, at least it isn't as worse at Counter Strike's community.....or has it already reached that level..?
Anyways, Team Fortress 2 is without a doubt one of the greatest multiplayer experiences available. Some highlight modes would be Capture The Flag and Capture point. Both can get very intense with the right players. With nine varied classes, unique and enjoyable maps, lovable (or non-lovable) art direction, great modes to play, and creative humor, I felt a bit cheap about spending just 20 bucks on this. It will definitely be a game to play for many many years as Valve occasionally supplies updates such as bug fixes, balance tweaking, and new weapons, all for free. Yup, that's right. FREE. I highly recommend this to anyone with any interest in the FPS genre to come try it out. Nothing too demanding really when it comes to specs. If you can run Half Life 2, you can run this. Just make sure you have a decent video card. And now I will leave you with this: Buy it. NOW. And hopefully I'll see you on the servers as I back-stab your helpless hide. Farewell!